
Somatic Abolitionism Livestream Workshops and Intensives

Somatic Abolitionism requires action—and repeated individual and communal practice. Through repetition, you collectively build resilience, discernment, and the ability to tolerate discomfort that comes with confronting the brutality of race.
Embodied Gatherings for Bodies of Culture

Starts June 6

5:00pm central

Bodies of Culture

Foundations in Embodied Somatic Abolitionism
Racialized Trauma and The Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies

Starts June 8

10:00am central

All Bodies

Monsters In Love: Embodied Somatic Abolitionism Communal Intensive
(MIL:ESACI) for caregivers, counsellors, and therapists

Starts June 10

10:00am central

All Bodies

The Stories of My Grandmother’s Hands: Embodied Somatic Abolitionism Communal Workshops
Racialized Trauma and The Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies

Starts June 17

10:00am central

All Bodies

Embodied Somatic Abolitionism Cultural First Aid Communal Intensive
(ESACFA-CI) for Black Bodies

Starts July 10

10:00am central

Black Bodies

Foundations in Embodied Somatic Abolitionism
Racialized Trauma and The Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies

Starts July 13

10:00am central

Bodies of Culture, Indigenous Bodies

Embodied Somatic Abolitionism Cohort Consultations (ESA-CC)
Racialized Trauma and The Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies

Starts July 25

10:00am central

Indigenous Bodies

Embodied Somatic Abolitionism Cohort Consultations (ESA-CC)
Racialized Trauma and The Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies

Starts July 25

11:00am central

Black Bodies

Embodied Somatic Abolitionism Cohort Consultations (ESA-CC)
Racialized Trauma and The Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies

Starts July 26

11:00am central

Bodies of Culture

Embodied Somatic Abolitionism Cohort Consultations (ESA-CC)
Racialized Trauma and The Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies

Starts July 26

10:00am central

White Bodies